Although I have yet to read any of Zecharia Sitchin's books, I am familiar with some of the things that are contained in those books because they were mentioned in the TV series Ancient Aliens. You can view Zecharia Sitchin's Amazon Author's Page to get a summary of his life and books. When my budget allows me to I will buy and read his books.
People who have not watched the TV series Ancient Aliens or read Zecharia Sitchin's books tend to laugh at me and tell me that I don't know what I am talking about when it is they who don't know what I am talking about! I find this behavior quite annoying!
I have known since the 1970's that a book that tells the same stories as those found in Genesis was written about 1,000 years before Genesis, but I had trouble remembering the name of that book until I had heard it a few times. This book tells about an alien race known as the Anunnaki who lived in Sumer and their creation of a race of slaves that were called the Adamu (worker). This book is called the Epic of Gilgamesh and is basically an earlier, and more accurate, version of Genesis. People who read only the Bible don't know that this book exists or they tend to dismiss it as being uninspired writings because it was not approved by the unbaptized Roman Emperor Constantine when he convened the Council of Nicaea. It was the later Council of Trent that added the Old Testament to the Bible. Again, the Catholics left out any books that were not widely accepted by the early Christians or that contained "too much information". As far as I know, only the Anglican Church accepts The Book of Enoch as scripture.
I have a neighbor who reads only the King James version of the Bible and refuses to admit that it is the least accurate English translation of the Bible! He kept telling me that any mistakes in translating the Bible are none of my business and that I should just believe those mistakes anyways! That is absurd! Although I no longer have the list, the King James version of the Bible contradicts itself and history that was recorded elsewhere in over 600 different places! Newer translations of the Bible have corrected most of these contradictions.
However, I have known Christians who were upset over these corrections because many of their false doctrines were based upon these translation errors! As new manuscripts are found in the Middle East and are translated into English newer versions of the Bible are published based upon these new discoveries. Generally speaking, the older a Bible manuscript is the more accurate it is considered to be. What very few Christians will admit is that we do not have anything that is in the original handwriting of any Old Testament prophet, patriarch or New Testament apostle! At best, we have third and fourth generation copies of these writings. When errors were made in copying a scroll by hand the errors were not discarded but were set aside. These scrolls that contained errors were later copied as if they were correct. Also, margin notes and foot notes would often be copied as if they were part of the text. These errors were perpetuated for centuries and are just now being corrected. Once again, some people refuse to admit that their beliefs were based upon copying and translation errors and attack those of us who try to teach them the truth!
I will write more about the religious nonsense that I despise in a later post.
Mike Serovey, MA, MISM
This blog is where Mike Serovey, an ordained elder in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, posts his rants, thoughts and some of his research on various religious and spiritual topics. His bias will be toward the teachings of the LDS church, but he will attempt to be objective and will raise some questions not easily answered by any religion that he knows of. Some people may be offended by his questions and proposed answers.