I was thinking about converting www.mikeserovey.us to a personal site and have some pages on religion, or registering the domain name of mikeseroveyonreligion.com. Then, I discovered that I can have a blog on religion hosted by blogger.com and save the costs of registering a domain name and hosting a website. That means that I can use www.mikeserovey.us for other purposes.
The reason that I wanted to write about religion is because I have gotten rather fed up with some of the garbage that is passing for religion these days. For example, you have Bible thumping "born again" Christians telling other people that Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists and Later Day Saints (Mormons) aren't real Christians because they believe some concepts that the mainstream rejects. What these Nimrods fail to realize is that the original meaning of "Christian" is Christ like, and they are anything but Christ like! I believe that it was Nietche who said that there was only one Christian and he died on a cross long ago. I agree whole-heartedly with him!
Another thing that tics me off is religion being used as an excuse to hurt other people. Parents have disowned their own children for joining the "wrong" church! That is reprehensible! The ultimate in this lunacy is suicide bombers who kill themselves and as many others as they can just because the others have a different viewpoint on religion and politics. Religion is supposed to bring us closer to God and to each other, not be used as an excuse to kill each other! Get it right people!
I plan to post to this blog about once or twice a week at first. In time, I may post every day. Others, of course, are welcome to post their comments on this blog. I will set up the buttons that will allow you to get the RSS feeds to this blog so that you can read my posts on your RSS aggregator. This allows you to read these at your leisure and not have to deal with the problems of email getting past filters, etc.
Until Next Time
Mike Serovey
Mike Serovey is an ordained elder in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) and has been since 1982. He is familiar with several religions and has a library that includes the Bible, Book of Mormon, the Cabala, the Koran, and books on the Masons and the Rosicrucians.
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