- A couple of days ago I was listening to a recording of a Google hangout. Lisa Garr was interviewing Mary Morrissey. Near the end of the interview, Mary was describing the Internet. She said that there were 7 billion people but one mind. There were 7 billion computers but one Internet. The Internet was everywhere and had the collected wisdom and knowledge of 6,000 years of human experience. It was all knowing and ever present. Does this sound like anyone that we know?
Mary's description of the Internet is very close to how Christians describe the Holy Ghost! I have long believed that what George Lucas calls "the Force" is what Carl Jung called "the collective unconscious" equals what Brian Tracey calls "the super conscious mind". All of these are synonyms for The Holy Ghost. But, what if The Holy Ghost is not a spirit in the sense that the ghost of a dead person is? What if The Holy Ghost is a network of conscious beings from multiple inhabited worlds that has its own intelligence and thus is also a conscious being in and of itself?
The Internet that I am using to write and post this is a network of computer networks. No one really owns the Internet, but some people do control access to it. You need some kind of electronic device to access the Internet, but with the correct equipment, there are very few places here on Earth where you can't get a connection. The Internet is everywhere! If you use a search engine correctly you can find an article on almost everything that you want to know. Someone with Internet access can appear all knowing!
Ever since the days of Joseph Smith, the LDS church has stated that God the Father and his son, Jesus Christ, are two separate and distinct individuals. According to Joseph Smith, the Father and Son both appeared to him in a sacred grove of trees. The Father pointed to the Son and said, "This is my beloved son. Hear him!". Either Joseph was telling the truth or he was lying. Five million Mormons believe that he told the truth. That being the case there are two other possibilities, he either saw something divine or he was tricked. Anti-Mormons believe that Joseph Smith was tricked by the devil because they are still believing in that Holy Trinity nonsense! Joseph Smith's vision, if true, proves that the Father and the Son are both resurrected men with superhuman powers and physical bodies! Each of them can only be in one place at one time! However, the Holy Ghost can be everywhere at once because it is a network that is like our Internet!
The Internet here on Earth uses electrons, microwaves and other energies that travel at, or just under, the speed of light. In the vacuum of space light travels at 186,282 miles per second! On a small planet like Earth that is incredibly fast! However, when you want to travel from one star to another, or send a message from one star to another one, that is slow! It takes four years for the light from Alpha Centauri to reach the Earth. That is too slow for any Internet connection to work! How do space aliens get around this problem? Enter quantum mechanics!
I have no clue when or how quantum entanglement was discovered and will need to research this. However, Albert Einstein called it, "spooky action at a distance". Whenever a particle of ordinary matter is created a matching particle of antimatter is also created. No matter how far these two particles are separated, if something happens to one particle then the matching particle will instantly know about it. If electron A changes its spin then positron A will match that change instantly, even if it is 170,000 light years away! Quantum entanglement can make a galactic Internet work! An alien race, say the Klingons, can tap into this Internet and have the collected wisdom of thousands of inhabited worlds going back over millions of years! Throw in some photon torpedoes and phasers and you have a race of "gods" that is all knowing, all powerful and everywhere at once!
Mike Serovey, MA, MISM
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