Monday, August 07, 2006

The first 14 Dominant Laws of the Subconscious Mind

Many churches, including the LDS church, take a dim view of hypnosis for reasons that I don't understand. What I have noted is that many religions simply condemn whatever they don't understand and hypnosis is one of them. Entering altered states of consciousness is as natural as going to sleep. Highway hypnosis is an example of this. Have you ever been on a long road trip and suddenly realized that you missed your turn off the Interstate because you were in a light trance or on "automatic pilot" as some people call it? Have you ever just stared off into space and day dreamed? These are examples of self hypnosis! All that a trained hypnotist does is guide a patient into a natural state!

One of the dumbest excuses that I have heard for Christians not getting hypnotized is that evil spirits can just jump into your body while you are in an altered state of consciousness! If this is true, then why is it that people high on certain drugs, or drunk, don't become "possessed" while in an altered state? Why don't we become "possessed when we day dream or get highway hypnosis?

I have posted an article about how hypnosis can help people. Read it and learn something!

"The first 14 Dominant Laws of the Subconscious Mind"

by Emmanuel Segui
(c) Emmanuel Segui All Rights reserved

The subconscious mind is fascinating and intriguing. Yet, it is
challenging to understand how it works so you can use its full
power solve our problems and enhance every aspect of your life.

Here are the difficult principles of the subconscious mind made
very easy so you can apply them in your life today and see
results tomorrow.

First Law:

All hypnosis is self-hypnosis and is any altered state of mind or
focus. It is a dreamlike imaginary state between the awake state
and the sleep state. Your eyes can be open or closed in each of
the states of hypnosis. A hypnotist guides you into a dreamlike
state, where the subconscious mind takes each suggestion as a

Second Law:
Everyone goes in and out of hypnosis 100 to 200 times per day. It
is said that each of us goes into the deep dream or REM (Rapid
Eye Movement) state from 7 to 8 times per day on our own.

Third Law:
The subconscious mind represents about 90% of your mind power,
the conscious mind, about 10%.

Fourth Law:
You are not your body. You are a perfect spirit child of God
living within this physical body.

Fifth Law:
You are but a memory. 100% of everything you have ever thought,
dreamed and experienced is stored in your bodies and minds as

Sixth Law:
The subconscious mind is fully developed at birth to: (1) keep
you alive - flight or fight, fear of loud noises, fear of
falling; (2) keep you happy - to get attention, recognition or
approval (positive or negative). These laws reverse immediately
after birth. Keeping you happy, in its interpretation, is
dominant and becomes more important than keeping you alive. Its
interpretation of “happy” means happy or miserable.

Seventh Law:
Events and trials are stored in your bodies as living chemical
memories at the moment they occurred. Each event is alive and
well and ready to manifest in you physically, mentally,
emotionally, and spiritually, from anything which can trigger
these stored events. The subconscious mind can access all
memories in the physical body as if they were it’s own.

Eighth Law:
Your major problems were programmed into your memories in your
first twelve years, like a series of dominoes. Any problems and
trials after age twelve are simply triggers or symptoms of the
first events.

Ninth Law:
All dominant thoughts become programs or habits. All habits are
from the subconscious mind, including everything you think, say
and do automatically from habit.

Tenth Law:
It takes 21 days to six weeks to consciously create a new habit
or program. The subconscious can accept a new habit program

Eleventh Law:
When you fight a habit it will always win. Think about a pink
elephant with green and black toenails. Then try to not think
about a pink elephant with green and black toenails.

Twelfth Law:
All habits can become addictions. The level of addictions is
equal to the level of low self-esteem in your first twelve years.

Thirteenth Law:
The subconscious mind knows no difference between reality and
imagination. Only your conscious mind can see, hear, smell, taste
and touch - your five senses. The subconscious mind can only use
imagination for programming and response. Use your imagination
and think about biting into a lemon or dill pickle, then notice
the twinge in your jaw and perhaps saliva in your mouth.

Fourteenth Law:
The subconscious mind is programmed like a computer. You program
your subconscious mind positively or negatively through self-
hypnosis by 1) visualization (clear picture), 2) affirmation, and
3) activation by dynamic emotions or experiences.

Emmanuel Segui and Lloyd Dison, Hypnotherapist, speaker and
trainer, have revealed the 24 laws of the subconscious mind and
made these principles very easy so you can apply them in your
life today and see results tomorrow.
Get this one and a half hour interview for free today. Thursday
will be too late. Go immediately to

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