Sunday, July 22, 2007

Are Ghosts and Magic Real?

Are Ghosts and Magic Real? I believe that the answer to both questions is yes. Let me tell you why. I have cable TV where I live and I get both A & E and the Sci Fi channel. On A & E is a show called Chris Angel, Mindfreak. I understand that a good illusionist or magician does not reveal how he does his tricks. Even so, Chris blurs the line between illusion and reality. It is hard to tell where one ends and the other begins. I have seen Chris walk through solid glass without breaking it, levitate, make other people and objects levitate, walk on water, and other strange things that I cannot explain. Chris insists that he is not using camera tricks or CGI to do his illusions and that what we see is what we get. He insists that he can really defy gravity by walking up and down a wall or crawling down the outside of a building without wires or a harness. He doesn't even use any kind of safety net or air bag in case he falls. I have also seen him dematerialize and teleport and move solid objects into and out of a painting. I do not believe that he is doing these things by the power of the Devil! However, some of his magic does seem to be real! This is why I believe that some magic is real.

I also believe that some faith healings are real because I have done them. I have given blessings to people who were sick or had some other physical problem and most of them got better faster than I would normally expect. I am well aware of the placebo effect but I doubt that this explains all cases of faith healing.

The reason that I believe that ghosts are real is because of stories that I have heard and read plus what I have seen on a TV show called Ghost Hunters on the Sci Fi Channel. These ghost hunters use all kinds of electronic equipment to get solid evidence of paranormal activity. They use night vision and infra red cameras to see in the dark, they use meters that measure the amount of electro magnetic energy in an area, and they use digital voice recorders to catch voices that the human ear may miss. They have captured with these devices voices that didn't come from a living human being. Sometimes they can tell if the voices are male or female and sometimes they can make out what the voices are trying to say. They call this EVP or Electronic Voice Phenomena. I have seen captured on film solid objects moving by themselves and I have seen a couple cases where people got knocked down by some unseen force. So, either ghosts are knocking these people down and moving these objects or we have an alien using some kind of cloaking device. I am more inclined to believe in the ghosts.

Believe what you want, but if you watch several episodes of both Ghost Hunters and Chris Angel, Mindfreak, you might be convinced that ghosts and magic are real too!

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